My friend and client Dawn Garland, that owns a sweet clothing boutique here in Yakima and I were talking a couple months ago, we were discussing the fact that our (now blooming and gorgeous) town here was not so photo friendly, and we NEEDED to photograph parts of her spring collection. After a lot of moaning and groaning about ugly trees and brown grass, etc, we kept just putting it off. Until I was picking up my daughter from acting class at Melody Lane in the Nob Hill Plaza, and lo and behold what did I see? Um..folded up carnival rides...parked sadly in the empty space filled with tumbleweeds and trash that used to be the lovely Montgomery Wards. Could it be? Could they be setting up rides? Hmm. Well I drove slowly past and to my sheer delight most looked like they were somewhat aging fair rides. Perfect. I called Dawn, who screamed, and we were sitting with our models a week later ready for photos despite the knifelike, arctic wind that was howling through the vacant carnival. The company was amazing, ( I will credit them when I figure out the name..) they let us have free run of the place for the whole morning before they opened. They turned on rides, let the girls have old cotton candy and cold curly fries, play the duck hunt game, and ride the ferris wheel, which terrified me beyond my ability to even put into words. What great people with wonderful hospitality. I can't show all of them, but here are my favorites. Oh, and go into Wild Lucy's... Dawn has great clothes, works from local artists (jewelry shown on models), makeup, accessories and more. The brilliant scarves pictured were made by the amazing BJ Wolf of Yakima. (More to come featuring BJ.)

Scarf: BJ Wolfs Mercantile
Dress BBDakota
Dress: Lovestitch
Scarf/Snood: BJWolfe Mercantile
Dress: BBDakota
Shoes: Model's own
Jacket and Jeans: Flying Tomato
Jacket: Flying Tomato
Tank: Flying Tomato
Red Heart Necklace:hand blown-Jacob Strader, student artist
Visit for a more complete look at her current selection.
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