New Years...the proverbial day to change your life, yourself, your body, etc. BLAH BLAH! For me, all inclusive decisions like that prove to be disasterous simply because of my colossal degree of inability to maintain any and all forms of self control. Hmm. So I give up carbs. Immediately following I have the most insatiable desire to eat the entire bread basket at zesta cucina, where I have specifically ordered what I have told myself is the least fattening thing on the menu, the soup. Then I decide to go "RAW" oh thats a brilliant plan in winter, when everything is so freezing and the only thing I look forward to is eating COOKED food and drinking HOT coffee (not allowed on the raw plan) FAIL! ...hmm. Oh, and my favorite, "I WILL BECOME ORGANIZED" this is just not something you can say..because unfortunately when you say that, you start to do something that you think is your pathway to organization, and that is cleaning. But when you do that, it gets WORSE. Stuff is out everywhere, you have no idea where it even came from, you go from this puffed chest, "I can do it" cape flapping in the breeze on the mountain peak girl of wonder, to looking around yourself in utter horror. Truly questioning why you are even allowed to exist, for fear of your mess spreading out to the masses and taking over the world, inch by frightening inch, piece of crap by hideous piece of crap. I must interject into my own interjections that this has already started to happen. Just ask my incredibly tolerant friends how much of my stuff is at each and every one of their houses...its like the Gremlins, as little pieces of myself start to multiply every time they even see me or I run over for ANY REASON. This little problem has become worse as of 10 years ago when I decided to procure offspring that carried my genetic material within them, now they do the same thing. We are totally the Gremlins. Jennifer and Larry Gremlin, and their lovely offspring, Gremlin 1, Gremlin 2, and baby Gremlin. ( this is not to mention the stinky beasty gremlindogs.)
Sigh. Ok so this morning I have been folding laundry while watching Modern Family. A show that gives me incredible happiness and joy. Meanwhile, pondering how I must combat my shortcomings as a housewife (home executive, what is the PC term?) wanna be artist, picture of health, workout maven and of course, hardbody. I have concluded that before making drastic changes I must embrace and be at peace with my life the way it is, and work toward what I will be in the future, not just be like " TODAY IS THE DAY I WILL BE DIFFERENT!!!!!" (insert large booming echoous top of the mountain, girl with rippling cape voice here..) Maybe I need to be okay with who I am and what I have done so far..and not just feel like I am in a race to do more, and be more. I am going to try to do the stuff I do a little better, or with a little more thought and creativity each day, know some days I will suck, and then the next day suck a little less. No its not monumental, but I hope its realistic. I re discovered this series by one of my favorite photographers. So I will re share it with you. And also a few more I love where people are not afraid to be in the moment. Cheers!
(copied and pasted below)
When a photographer named Sacha Goldberger realized his grandmother Frederika, age 91, was lonely and might be suffering from depression, he proposed an unusual course of therapy: a superhero photoshoot. "
Super Mamika," as Frederika is now known, became an internet sensation thanks to the costumed photos, which show her in all kinds of exaggerated heroic poses. She's the grandma everyone wants to have, and she now has thousands of fans
on MySpace.
Frederika is a hero in real life, too. Living in Hungary during World War II, she sheltered 10 Jewish people she knew from the Nazis. Later in her life, when Hungary was run by a communist regime, she fled to France under threat of execution. This is one granny who has definitely earned a superhero alter ego!
Below, check out some of the most awesome photos of Super Mamika.