The anticipation of summer hit me yesterday (January 26th) when my youngest, Charley, asked if we could get the pool out. He cried when I said no. I love that he sees the sun and its instantly summer! Granted it was sunny, and tolerable, but being the oppressive mother that I am I had to decline his wish. My rule is no pool till its 80....I absolutely love it when I get my chaise lounge out and kick back while the kids throw water on each other and splash, then eventually the iconic chattering teeth come and beg for a towel! Then I put the towels out and we lay in the grass waiting for the sun to heat us through and through. Yes its as close to nirvana as I can possibly fathom at this grey dismal moment in my day.
I thought I would wait to post these pics till summer, but I just was so excited to find them while digging through my hard drive, building my new website, that they are going up now. Yes they were taken on what was I believe to be one of the hottest days of summer, at a concert in the park.(notice the sweaty hair ;) The ice cream was courtesy of one of the sweetest guys out there, Randy Kupp, who bought ALL of our kiddos(including his adorable toddler girls) the frozen loveliness from the Soda Fountain. I just wish I would have had my camera out in time to catch the image of him traipsing through the park, holding at least 6 drippy ice creams while jumping over the many lounging concertgoers. Priceless.

Cheers...and for the love of God, turn up the heat and eat some ice cream. It will make you feel better!
These are great photos! Icecream is always a good thing!